IMTTO is an organization that was formed in 2001 and that currently has as its members the Elite XC Mountain Bike Trade Teams. IMTTO is an international non-profit organization that contributes to the continued development of mountain bike racing. IMTTO is recognized by the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) and Warner Brothers Discovery.
IMTTO is an acronym formed by the words International Mountainbike Trade Team Organization.
IMTTO was created through the amalgamation of two organizations:
IMTO (International Mountain bike Trade team Organization, formed in 1996).
TAG (Technical Assistance Group, formed in 1997).
The current 5 person Executive Committee is made up of the following Team Managers:
BRENTJENS, Bart (KMC Ridley MTB Racing Team)
WICKLES, Tom (GHOST Factory Racing)
DIXON, Phil (Cannondale Factory Racing)
LAZARSKI, Tara (Specialized Factory Racing)
VANDERJEUGD, Tim (Trek Factory Racing Pirelli)
To provide a stable, professional and financially viable environment for our members to continue participating in the sport and the popular success of International Mountain Bike Racing.
To ensure that through the collaboration and open dialogue with various event organizers, Federations, both National and International, progressive steps are made at further developing the sport and popular success of international mountain bike racing.
To create and maintain a productive environment that strives for professionalism and cooperation in the sport.
Maintain regular communication with Warner Brothers Discovery as the organizers of the Mountain Bike World Series, as well as the UCI Mountain Bike Staff to ensure that the views of the IMTTO membership are considered and that recommendations made by the MTB Commission to the UCI Management Committee have been fully considered from an IMTTO perspective.
Members must either:
Be a UCI Elite XC Race Team that employs at least one rider to race in UCI Calendar events.
Be a UCI XC Race Team accepted into IMTTO by the existing UCI Elite XC Race Teams.